Today, I’m sharing three interesting blog posts on Toltec wisdom. Check them out!
“… the Toltec ways are not prophecies to be fulfilled or opportunities to instruct others on how to attain mastery in awareness. To attempt to teach these ways as a means of salvation does nothing except dilute and minimize the power of these ancient ways. One must come into these ways as part of their own awakening and deep commitment to evolve beyond the limitations of their current perceptory filters.” Read more at
“As awareness evolved, even within each complex organism there developed cooperation and unique variation. As cells became more and more specialized they worked together and bonded together for the survival of themselves and the whole organism. The heart cell cannot live without the lung cell, and skin without the bones. And each adaption in its own way is aware if at no other level than doing its job benefits the whole. We are in many ways a colony being. Have we considered what our parts are saying separate from the whole, are we listening within? As Toltecs this is an interesting area of self-discovery.” You can read more of this fascinating–if a bit desoltory–post and find some stunning artwork as well at
“The Flyers mind is the edge of darkness, the emergence of doubt, the edge of the camp fire light somewhere beyond the circle of the known, where the light protrudes into the darkness.” This post will take you to some unexpected places. You can find it at