Reading Michael Krasny’s Spiritual Envy: An Agnostic’s Quest. Krasny says: “Asking the right questions is at the heart of agosticism, for it is essentially about uncertainty.” And, “Agnosticism welcomes proof, craves it, demands it. It does not say there is no God. It also does not say there is one.”
Krasny and me, we’re coming from the same part of Limbo. Wanting to believe. Jealous of those who do. Not willing to believe something just because it makes us feel good. Wishing there was proof. We’re both looking for a spiritual home, or at least, like, a spiritual yurt. Not ready to give up looking. Not yet.
That was me, in agnostic limbo, until I started really paying attention to the signs that were all around me. Yes, it took a good dose of proof from spirit. I had to “see” to believe, and now, as an energy healer, I see all the time. It’s quite amazing, and it finally feels like home. :-). I believe it you ask the right questions, the answers will come, often from within (or first without, if you are like me and need that extra proof).
Thanks for sharing your experience on this nottomatoes. I love learning about other people’s spiritual journeys. I intend to keep asking questions and paying attention. I’ll see where my journey takes me.