Writing for New Awareness

There is a famous Zen saying: “The snow falls, each flake in its place.”

We go through life experiencing events that often seem random, chaotic, and meaningless. Things happen. We react. We struggle to make sense of it all, but the workings of the world seem so large, so confusing, so beyond our control.Buddhist altar

Writing helps us move beyond that sense of randomness and chaos. It brings a new awareness that there is a pulse beating throughout the Universe, that everything is connected, that all is part of the Source. It reminds us that there is a harmony to the falling of snowflakes and the minutes of our lives, even if we cannot always hear that harmony. As Max Ehrmann wrote in his “Desiderata“: “Whether or not it is clear to you, the Universe is no doubt unfolding exactly as it should.”

When you write, remember and honor that unfolding. See that new awareness grow.

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  1. I love this, Jill. I’ve always used my writing as my own therapy and journey within and outside of myself. It’s the best way to venture into the unknown because at times, our writing validates certain moments throughout our lives. Even if we don’t understand why things happen the way they do or how they even came about in the first place, writing always seems to have an answer…doesn’t it?

  2. Beautiful post! Writing helps me through many hard times, like Gina. I always believe that things happen for a reason, even if we don’t know what that reason is at the time.

    Thank you for sharing, Jill!

    1. Good to hear from you Chrys. Yes, writing can get us through some pretty tough experiences. And I agree: Just because we can’t see a pattern doesn’t mean it’s not there. Thanks for commenting!

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